Side Note: SEO could take in some cases 7 to 9+ months to start generating decent results.
(if you have a problem with this, we’re not a good fit for each other)
To be considered THE BEST local business by Google and Bing, we need to properly set you up. We never do halfway jobs or partial work, it’s all or nothing for us. We know that dominating a niche equals hundreds of thousands of dollars in some cases millions in revenue in many cases, so obviously it takes some serious work. It does not happen overnight; all we know is that after 12 months with us, the odds of you wanting to leave US is lower than 10%. This is why our minimum contract engagement period based on our ROI calculator is recommended to be 12 months. We are committed to you all the way, and ask the same from you. We also ask you to forget what other companies do, and how they work, we don’t care what they find on your website (there isn’t just 1 way to do this), because we have enough experience to know what and how works best. Also, we are not going to provide any type of reporting before there is something to report. We protect our ability to outperform any other SEO company in the world and secure your investment with us if you don’t work against us and do exactly what we ask promptly.