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YouTube brings live mobile streaming to app



So you’ve got a website. Great. Now what?

We often get this question. Most business still don’t realize that the search engines have changed their search specifications. A website MUST be optimized on a mobile level, in order to receive proper rankings. On top of that, once your on the first page, you need your website to STAND OUT from the rest of the “first page pack”. Video can help do this. The age old saying, a picture says a thousand words…but a video is PRICELESS. According to ‎USA Today, Facebook and periscope have stepped out in front as the primary place to launch live streaming video.

DCM knows this. We do it better than anyone in our opinion. Our clients from the AVVO L‎awyernomics Conference agree. Click here to check out or DCM video archives.

Anything that increases your mobile exposure is HUGE right now. Tying that mobile quality to video only compounds your SEO exposure.

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