Social bookmarking is used as a way to share websites with friends and others. It can also be used as a method for organizing and managing your favorite websites. There are a number of websites that provide a platform for social bookmarking. Some are for specific types of content, while others are completely open to any type of website. This is a great way to build backlinks and increase the amount of social chatter your website gets. Both of these are important in determining your ranking in search engine results. That is all great, so why exactly should you use social bookmarking?
Social bookmarking Helps Build Backlinks
Having quality backlinks from websites of authority is a major part of search engine rankings. This is why using a popular Social bookmarking platform is a wonderful source of backlinks. These websites are considered sites of authority and receive a lot of internet traffic.
Use Social bookmarking to Promote Your Business
Tagging your own website on Social bookmarking websites is not the only tagging you should do. It is also important to bookmark other website that contains similar content. This can help build relationships with other businesses. These businesses may, in turn, share or bookmark content from your website. If your business is relatively new, how do people find out about it? Using a Social bookmarking website to bookmark several of your web pages will help get your website out there. From there, it is a matter of sharing information, liking other websites, and building a profile on these Social bookmarking websites.
Where are These Social bookmarking Websites?
There are several popular Social bookmarking websites that you should consider using. Four of the most popular are Delicious, Reddit, Digg, and StumbleUpon. Each of these websites provide a way for you to create a profile and bookmark websites. Some of them, like Reddit and Delicious, are very general and contain different categories that you can share links. The best method is to sign up with two or three of these and start to get familiar with them by bookmarking websites containing similar content to yours, before you start bookmarking your own website.