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Tag Archives: Video SEO

  • Ugly People Need Video SEO, Too!

    Video SEO is one of the biggest, baddest sectors in the world of search engine optimization right now, and for damn good reason: it gets hits. YouTube is one of the most visited sites on the planet, and even piddly little videos without any relevance to anything can expect to get a hundred...

  • Video SEO isn’t a New Concept, but you may have a few questions

    What’s the deal with video SEO? Why, all of a sudden, is everyone talking about it as if it’s a new thing? It’s not. Video SEO is not a new concept, but with the improvements in web design technology we’ve seen in just the past year or two, onsite or embedded videos are...

  • Mobile Website design isn’t an Option, it’s Critical for Success on the Web

    Just because you can see it on your iPhone doesn’t mean that the rest of the world can access your website on their mobile device. There are still plenty of folks out there using flip phones and older mobile devices that have a hard time loading those large images and video files. These...

  • What to expect when you hire SEO Specialists

    There’s a two-fold answer to this inquiry. If you hire the wrong SEO specialists you can expect high prices and poor results. If you hire the right one, like the men and women here at Dot Com Media Moguls, you will get reasonable fees and Page One positioning for your website. Unfortunately for...

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