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Tag Archives: social bookmarking

  • Using Social Bookmarking To Increase Traffic

    Sharing and organizing your favorite websites on certain websites is known as social bookmarking. The websites that contain these social bookmarking platforms receive a lot of internet traffic. By including your website on these websites, you can build quality backlinks to your website. As you probably know, backlinks are a factor when it...

  • Why You Should Use Social Bookmarking

    Social bookmarking is used as a way to share websites with friends and others. It can also be used as a method for organizing and managing your favorite websites. There are a number of websites that provide a platform for social bookmarking. Some are for specific types of content, while others are completely...

  • Advertising Tools for the Mobile Website Design

    If you look around you at any given time, you will see the majority of people with a mobile device of some sort in their hands. We have become such a busy people that we would probably not be able to manage our lives without the availability of our Smartphone or tablet. Although...

  • How PPC Management Can Increase Your Business

    With more and more people advertising their businesses or products online, you might wonder whether choosing this type of advertising would be beneficial to your own business. The short answer to this question is a resounding yes. Two of the most commonly used online advertising tools are social bookmarking and PPC Management. PPC...

  • How Social Bookmarking Can Help You

    As the use of the Internet continues to grow by leaps and bounds, more and more businesses are turning to targeted email marketing and social bookmarking in order to increase their online presence. When used together, these advertising and marketing tools can help your business grow by leaps and bounds. The process of...

  • How to Succeed at Social Bookmarking

    Social media is the way forward for business these days. It’s a huge world, visited by literally millions of people every single day. Choose one or all of them for the best way of marketing your business. 3 of the best social bookmarking sites are Digg, Delicious and StumbleUpon and these should be...

  • Use Social Bookmarking to Make Your Business Visible

    The internet is the biggest marketplace in the world. Every business on there is vying for attention and, if you don’t use the right tools or the right methods, your business will be lost amongst the millions of others. The key to internet marketing is being in the right place at the right...

  • Increasing Sales with a Targeted Email Marketing Campaign

    To carry out a professional marketing campaign you need a targeted email marketing list. Having one of these can ensure that your message reaches the right people, thus increasing your potential for more business. There are rules and guidelines that should be followed in a successful email campaign. Don’t buy email lists. These...

  • Increase Profit with Targeted Email Marketing

    What is Targeted Email Marketing? With so many people doing business online, a targeted email marketing campaign is the way forward. It is important to ensure that you don’t send emails to anybody and everybody – the consequences of this are damaging. You must only send emails to people who have requested them...

  • Social Bookmarking 201: Finding (Or Making) Killer Content For “Boring” Niches

    Social bookmarking is one of the more effort-intensive things that our SEO specialists" do for their clients -- it requires content to be bookmarked, and content always takes more work than 'brainless' links. One of the biggest challenges we have is in creating social-worthy content for niches that seem frighteningly disinteresting. Here's one...

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