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PPC Audit: How to get started.

PPC management is a crucial job for any business. Without proper PPC management strategy and budgeting, it is possible to stay ahead in the game. One aspect of this is the PPC audit. A PPC audit involves going through your PPC account settings and check whether your account operations are in working order. You will not only have to make sure that your ads are running smoothly but also look for opportunities for further growth and development. Now the question arises, when should I audit? PPC auditing can be done at least once a year. However, it is recommended that every six months or whenever you take over a new account to manage. This will ensure that all your accounts are functioning smoothly and are fully optimized. Here are some basics to get you started.

  • Make sure that the data that is being analysed is in the relevant range. It should be long enough i.e. analysing data from a longer time period rather than opting for shorter ranges like thirty days’ worth of data. This conversion data has no importance to you in any way when making changes. Data accumulated over the period of one year is advisable.
  • The know-how of Key Performance Indicators is crucial. This metric has significance for your client mainly and you should have already picked some out while managing a PPC account. It would be an added advantage if you got in touch with the client to make sure that your KPIs choice is correct.
  • The account settings are important as well. Settings are something that is adjusted at the start of every PPC management campaign and then forgotten. It is always better to check up on them and look into options like ad scheduling, ad delivery mode, targeting options etc. It is always better to check up on them to see if any changes are required.
  • Check up on your conversions and monitor them properly. Not keeping an eye on your conversions can be a big mistake. Without tracking your conversions, you can never be sure if your strategies are bearing the fruits as they should be. Make sure that when you get conversions registered on your PPC account, the targeting options are set up properly. There are a few signs that can immediately alert you about this. If you click and conversion counts are similar, sales are low yet conversions are unusually high and conversion count is very low which means that the setup is not proper.

Now that you know all the basics of getting started up with a PPC audit, you know exactly how to get the maximum output from your PPC account. Try to step back from time to time and look at your space from a wide angle. They would do wonders for your PPC management campaign.

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