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Mobile Website design isn’t an Option, it’s Critical for Success on the Web

Just because you can see it on your iPhone doesn’t mean that the rest of the world can access your website on their mobile device. There are still plenty of folks out there using flip phones and older mobile devices that have a hard time loading those large images and video files. These consumers make up a fairly large percentage of your total target audience. Are you going to just write them off because they haven’t upgraded their technology? Mobile website design isn’t an option anymore; it’s critical for success on the web. Your competitors are doing it. You should too.

The challenge for web designers used to be simple. Develop sites that were easily visible on Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Safari. Google Chrome came along a little later. A few years ago mobile device access wasn’t even at the discussion stage. Now, with new technology making your blackberry and android obsolete just a few short months after you buy it, website designers have to take mobile access into account at the beginning of the design stage. Graphics and video are cool for the PC and Mac user, but what about the growing segment of the population who access the web on their mobile?

As video SEO specialists in the age of YouTube, we here at Dot Com Media Moguls have been creating mobile website designs for our clients for many years now. We understand the value of reaching hand held devices. The iPhone has a built in web browser, so it can read anything. Other devices use iOS, WML, or CSS3, so creating one site that can be viewed by all of them is a complicated task. Our approach is to use video and complex graphics on the main site (if they’re appropriate) and then create a mobile site that is simpler and can be viewed by all.

Certain content management systems come with plug-ins or standard mobile detection built in. The WP Mobile Detector plug-in for WordPress is a good example. If you’re using it, you’re capturing most of your target market, but some of the laptop users may be viewing the mobile site instead of the standard one. Contact us to have a custom mobile web design done, one that works all the time the way it’s supposed to.

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