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How Social bookmarking Can Increase Traffic

Social bookmarking is a term that some people may be unfamiliar with. In essence, social bookmarking is bookmarking web pages on a website that has some type of social community setup. This is a great way to share, organize, and manage your favorite sites; though, it’s also a great way to increase traffic to your website. If you are new to social bookmarking, then continue reading to find out why this is one of the greatest methods for getting more visitors to your website.

Most Used Social bookmarking Sites
There are many different social bookmarking platforms available on the internet. Over the past decade, many of these types of websites have come and gone; however, a handful still remain and continue to be the most popular social bookmarking websites on the internet. In no particular order, there is Reddit, Delicious, StumbleUpon, and Digg. All four of those websites have been around for quite a while and are not in danger of going away any time soon. These sites require you to sign up before you can use their platform; though most of them let you sign up using a Facebook, Twitter, or Google account.

How Does This Increase Traffic?
After you have signed up at a social bookmarking website, the first thing you should do is take a look at the different categories and get a general idea of the website layout. Then it is time to start sharing bookmarks. Since these websites are kind of like a social community, the more likes and the more times your bookmarks are shared, the more authority your profile has.

The more you bookmark, the more likely people will see what you have bookmarked and visit the website – increasing traffic to the website that is bookmarked. At first, you should start with bookmarking websites that you find useful, as a way to build up your profile. Then you can start bookmarking articles on your own website. Just wait and see, it will not take long for these bookmarks to turn into more visitors to your website.

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