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Find Your Audience with PPC Management

The cousin to search engine optimisation, PPC management offers a whole host of potential valuable returns for online businesses. This post will be dedicated to explaining, simply, the ins and outs of PPC advertising, PPC management, and how you can take the most advantage of each.

Before getting into the nitty gritty, PPC stands for pay per click and refers to an Internet specific form of advertising.

What is PPC?
Pay per click adverts take the form of ‘sponsored links’ or recommended links, or otherwise sponsored ads depending on which search engine you use. On google these items either appear at the very top of search results, or on the right-hand side. seo10

There are many key benefits to PPC advertising, not least that your web page fast tracks its way to the very top of all search results.

The nature of PPC ads means that you will pay a rate per click, in other words for each time a visitor uses the link to enter your website. This is fantastic as it means that you only pay for results, unlike conventional forms of marketing.

You will also benefit from the faith that your audience has in the search engine, Google for example. The fact that Google has allowed you to use their platform to advertise ‘wholesale balloons’, for example, suggests to the reader that this is genuinely what your website offers.

PPC management
A PPC manager will play a number of roles, from setting up to managing and improving your ads to get better results for your website.

They will work with you to decide on the best keywords to use to target and attract your audience base, and these will make up the shape of your adverts.

Once your ads are running your PPC manager will be responsible for ensuring that your campaign sticks to your budget, while trying to improve your return on investment all round. They can do this by analyzing the impacts of your adverts, scrapping those that are not working and experimenting to get you as many clicks as possible.

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