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Category Archives: Featured

  • What’s The Difference: Expert SEO vs. DIY Linkbuilding

    There are only two ways to get your SEO on: you can pay someone to do it for you, or you can do it yourself. Every day, we get calls or emails from solopreneurs that are trying to get their one-page squeeze site some traffic, asking us how much we charge for our...

  • Ugly People Need Video SEO, Too!

    Video SEO is one of the biggest, baddest sectors in the world of search engine optimization right now, and for damn good reason: it gets hits. YouTube is one of the most visited sites on the planet, and even piddly little videos without any relevance to anything can expect to get a hundred...

  • Two Unexpected Ways to (Ab-)Use Custom Blog Creation Services

    Custom blog creation is one of those things that everyone knows they want, and almost everyone has had done these days -- kind of like Botox in the early nineties. It's a common enough thing that most expert SEO fobs can deliver the spiel in their sleep: search engines love regular content, customers...

  • Mobile Website Design: Waste Or Win?

    There's a debate, even among top SEO gurus, about where to 'draw the line' for certain types of SEO exercise. For example, at what point is a business too large to engage in "local" internet marketing? When is a business too small or niche to benefit from social marketing on a meaningful level?...

  • PPC Management Is The Key To Hitting The Ground Running

    Pay-per-click marketing is one of those classic double-edged Damocles Swords. It hangs over your head, glittering evilly at you, taunting you with it's power -- but will it fall into your hand handle-first, or will it take your arm off? The reason that most people are (rightfully!) scared of pay-per-click is that there...

  • Social Bookmarking Is Just The Beginning

    Social bookmarking -- the art that forms the basis of massive power-sites like Digg, Reddit, and similar sites -- was (at one point in the late nineties) the very beginning of what is now a completely web-wide phenomenon: social networking. And much like the ancient art of social bookmarking, the modern SEO science...

  • SEO Specialists Suggest A Targeted Email Marketing ‘Chaser’

    One of the most difficult parts about explaining SEO to someone who is used to a traditional business model is explaining why SEO doesn't have a fixed ROI. Most small business owners are used to the standard keystone method of pricing -- if they invest $X, they expect a return of 2*$X, plain...

  • A Day In The Life of A Rankings Expert: SEO From Our Eyes

    This isn't an article about cutting-edge SEO tricks or tactics as much as it's an 'empathy article' -- a look behind the scenes at what really actually happens in a modern-day SEO office here onshore in America. Most of our clients have some sort of vision of us as living in a cubicle...

  • What Are the Top SEO Experts Saying About Google Personal Results?

    The top SEO gurus are (still!) in a huff about Google's latest major change to their search engine: personal results. If you haven't noticed yet, any time you log into Google and then search, you get a cute little button in the upper-right area of your search results that says "Show Personal Results"....

  • Social Bookmarking works, but where and what are we bookmarking?

    Is posting a link to someone’s website on your Facebook wall an example of social bookmarking? Not in the classic sense, but it could conceivably accomplish the same goal, if you’re a consumer. Social bookmarking was developed to help users search for specific items in a smaller venue than a general search engine...

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